Tuesday, 24 February 2015

10 Months Till Christmas

It is the 24th of February and therefore time for the second Christmas card of 2015.

For my card I have used a Danish sentiment stamp set which I for a long time have considered throwing in the trash. Why on earth would I consider such an action? Well, this stamp set is unfortunately made in really poor quality and every time I have tried to use it the ink keeps pooling on the stamps. And this makes really crappy stamp impressions! And yes, I have tried all kinds of tricks to prevent the ink from pooling!

But this time I have used my MISTI for the stamping and the stamp set has for the time being been saved from the trash!

By using my MISTI I could stamp the sentiment "God Jul" 3 times.....Yes, 3 times was necessary for a decent result! With the MISTI I got a perfect layer-on-layer stamping and could therefore get a perfect impression despite the needed 3 layers.

If you are interested in knowing more about the MISTI, I have made a basic introduction to it in Danish which you can see HERE. 

I also used the MISTI for the stamping of the repeated stripes on the card base. Here I used a method which Jennifer McGuire has shown in one of her videos. 

 Have a good day :o)

Supplies used: 


  1. Very beautiful and joyful card! Misti is the great tool! Hope one day I'll have it as well.

  2. Enkelt og flot - kanon flot tekst

  3. Stemplet med god jul er rigtig flot

  4. Virkelig flot og enkelt julekort. Godt stemplet blev redet for det er virkelig flot. vil også virkelig gerne have fingre i en MISTI.

  5. Sikke et herligt kort. Og godt kæmpet med stemplet - jeg hader dårlige stempler af den type.


Thank you so much for your comment. I truly appreciate you taking your time to do it. Thank you!