Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Over the Edge stamping

It has been a ruff 1½ week since my tonsil operation. Today is the first day with a little energy to do a bit of crafting. Oh boy, have I missed it!
I decided to try out Laura Bassen's technique from Day 6 with "over the edge" stamping with outline stamps.
I am not completely satisfied with my choice of ink colours for the blending, but practice makes master :o)
For the tags I used the card stock from the back of an old paper pad which reminds a bit of really thick Kraft.

One thing I did notice about this kind of card stock is that it is quite thirsty and soaks up the ink very much. This is why my yellow ink is not showing very much. Should have used a much more vibrant yellow.

The sentiment on the green/blue tag says "For You".

That is all for now
Pia :o)

Supplies used:
(Green/Blue Tag)

InLinkz Project Manager account expired

Supplies used:
(Yellow/Red Tag)

InLinkz Project Manager account expired


  1. Rigtig flotte tags her Pia, og herlige farvesammensætninger også, selv om du synes de er for vage i den gule, men jeg synes faktisk den er flot

  2. superflot. Tak for din supplyliste - det giver et indtryk af, hvordan de forskellige farver arbejder sammen.

  3. Fortsat god bedring med halsen - og tak for kigget - det må jeg afprøve på et tidspunkt (altså ikke mandlerne - stemplerne... ) ;)

  4. Hope you're feeling better, Pia - and keep eating that ice-cream to get your energy going! Your little tags are adorable; you've mastered Laura's technique wonderfully! I think you ink colours are a pretty match. Unless someone gives me instructions on which colours go with one another, I'm helpless! Yayy for colour challenges!

  5. Those tags are really beautiful! We are glad to see you find our Dymo tape useful for your crafts. Keep up with the good work! ^CP


Thank you so much for your comment. I truly appreciate you taking your time to do it. Thank you!