Monday, 29 September 2014

Card Mission Monday #34 - The Finish Line...YAY!

This is it!!
I am down to my last card for this Mission, which means I yet again has reached the finish line....YAY :-)
Pheww, think there will be a while before my next Mission. It is actually hard to give yourself such a challenge and stick with it to the end.
The Mission this time was an ancient old 8x8 paper pad kit from Déja Views. The Card Mission was about using one of my very first Scrapbooking purchases and finally use it ALL up. And that will give me some piece of mind to spend a little on some new wonderful scrapbook stuff!

This card is made for the Danish Operation Write Home (OSH).
The sentiment means "Hello / Hey".

And this is what is left of the 8x8 paper pad kit from Déja Views.

That is it. Maybe I will do another Mission again. If so, it will be my third Mission yet to date. Who knows....

Pia :o) 

Supplies used:
InLinkz Project Manager account expired


  1. Sødt kort - jeg har beundret din mission. Hvis det var mig, var der blevet postet 2-3 kort og så havde jeg smidt håndklædet i ringen :-)

  2. Lækkert kort - og godt gået med missionen :)

  3. Rigtig sødt kort, og godt gået med missionen, det kú vi alle lære lidt af, tror jeg he he

  4. Super skønt kort. Er vild med den lille flyvemaskine. Godt gået, sikke en skøn mission, det har været spændende at følge med på sidelinjen.

  5. Tillykke med at du nåede i mål - godt gået. Sødt kort endnu en gang.


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