Monday, 26 January 2015

Faux Ceramic Tiles technique

Today is first day of the new Online Card Class "Clean & Simple 4". I have taken the previous classes and have really high expectations for this one. 

And to my happy surprise today had some interesting techniques with heat embossing. For my first card I have tried out the Faux Ceramic Tiles which is shown by Julie Ebersole in class. 

Very interesting technique and I am very, very satisfied with my first try at it. Not that it was a smooth first try, but I managed to overcome two small hick ups along the way.

First hick up - The die-cutting went all through the cardstock eventhough I used the thick Neenah White. So I had to add an additional piece to the back to keep the dragonfly from "falling" out. 

Second hick up - When removing the masking sheet pieces from the black coloured area of the dragonfly I accidently got hold of the cardstock itself and ripped it. Had to do a bit of damage control and glue it back down. The surgery was successful and there is nothing to see now ;)

I don't have any black pigment ink, so I did a bit of hand colouring with a black Zig Writer pen. Had to be really careful not to hit any of the pigment ink areas on the dragonfly. 

The "tile" with the dragonfly got 3 layers of clear embossing powder. It is so hard to get a good photo of the full shine of the "tile" but you can see a bit of the dimension of the dragonfly.   

Doesn't it just look gorgeous the dragonfly!
Pia :)

Supplies used: 


  1. It does indeed look gorgeous beautiful job :)

  2. Rigtig fint kort, og smukke farver.

  3. This turned out gorgeous - fab use of today's OCC technique!

  4. På trods af de små bump på vejen blev slutresultatet FLOT.

  5. wow... stunning! Det lyder som en noget indviklet teknik... men sikke et resultat du fik!

  6. Lækkert kort og lækker effekt :)

  7. Stunning! Love the colours.

  8. Absolutely gorgeous! And thanks for sharing your little hick ups. I am also taking the class and it helps to know the problems that I might face!

  9. Gorgeous work. The dragonfly is stunning and I look forward to trying this technique.

  10. Beautiful job on todays technique.

  11. Love your dragonfly! Great job with the technique shown in class!

  12. GORGEOUS....I'm swooning!

  13. Sindssygt flot. Man kan på ingen måde se at det har "drillet". Jeg tager også det kursus - og er helt enig fede teknikker i dag :)

  14. This is lovely, I love the dragonfly, and you nailed the technique!!

  15. Despite the hick ups, this turned out awesome!

  16. This came out so pretty, I really like it!

  17. This came out so pretty, I really like it!

  18. Wow! I'm taking this class as well & I had to leave you a card is AMAZING! Absolutely gorgeous!

  19. I'd say you learned well, Pia. This is amazing!

  20. Wow you sure rocked this technique awesome love the colors the design everything. I have also tried this technique but it's nothing compared with your card. Thanks for joining us over at CAS on sunday

  21. I agree with everyone else. That dragonfly rocks! Very nice!

  22. The dragonfly is stunning and I appreciate you putting out there your mishaps so that we may learn from them when we try this technique. But from the photo, you can't even tell you made any mistakes at all. Had you not said anything, I would have thought everything went together without a hitch. It is stunning I applaud you for taking what I thought was the most difficult technique and rocking it out! I'm still a little scared of trying this one but this gave me a little more confidence that I can do it too! Love it and thanks for sharing :)

  23. Love such techniques! When it's not so easy to make, but the result is worth it.
    Stunning card!


Thank you so much for your comment. I truly appreciate you taking your time to do it. Thank you!