Saturday, 16 January 2016

"Blast From The Past" Colour Challenge - Inkspirational Challenges

We have got something BIG for you today as it is our 
#100th challenge at Inkspirational! YAY...

To celebrate this HUGE milestone we are having a special challenge: 

To make this even more special we are having a special Guest Designer joining us and there is a PRIZE to be won!

What you need to do is to choose a colour challenge from the past, make a project and link up your gorgeous project. 
Do remember to let us know which past colour challenge you have choosen - this is important.

To help you out with ALL the colour challenges we have had at Inkspirational over the years I have attached a list for you. Here you can also see which of the challenges the Design Team has choosen to work with :)

 I am up for #71 "Anything Goes with Gold" and here is my card:

I have been playing with my new toy the Heidi Swapp Mini Minc. 

The Danish sentiment means "To The Worlds Most Cool Little Sister".

I made this card especially for my baby sister who turned 20 on January 10th. I was 18 and our brother 20 when our parents got her. Let's just say she was a HUGE surprise for Mum and Dad. I still find it hard to believe she is all grown up now!

Do you know Kylie Purtell?? 
You probably do as she is the lady behind the challenges:
  • Happy Little Stampers
  • Addicted to CAS
  • Addicted to Stamps and More
Kylie has a past with Inkspirational challenges and she still helps us out behind the scenes once in a while. AND she is also sponsoring the prize!
 Do go visit Kylie's blog and say Hi to her :)

If you want bundles of inspiration go check out the other wonderful Design Team ladies:
All there is left to say is.....Go have loads and loads of fun crafting! :o)
Pia xx

Supplies used:

InLinkz Project Manager account expired


  1. Gorgeous gold card, Pia! You've obviously been having fun with your new toy! Looks really cool, I must say. :-)

  2. I adore the gold foil. It looks amazing. Fab design too x

  3. What fabulous foiling! I love the sentiment. I enjoyed reading about the age gap between you and your sister as my two children are 23 years apart. Great card.

  4. uf altså for et lækkert kort med alt det spejlblanke guld :)Og sød tekst.

  5. Wauw det er superlækkert - og dejligt med en lillesøster - jeg er jo selv en af slagsen og var også en stor overraskelse for mine forældre. Dengang var livet jo ikke helt så planlagt som i dag - men de blev da glade for mig, selvom jeg heller ikke var den dreng de så havde håbet på når det nu skulle være. Ja jeg er en værre en. =0)

  6. An elegant, classy card for your 'much younger' sister, Pia. She'll adore it, as do I! My brother was born when I was 14 and my sister 12 - and while he was a bit of a surprise, how blessed we are to have him, as neither my sister and I have children. He's dad (hard to believe, at times...) to my precious niece and nephew and in my view, absolutely awesome in that role!


Thank you so much for your comment. I truly appreciate you taking your time to do it. Thank you!