Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Create your own embellishment in Ett Trykk Magazine

Today I am sharing a card I had published in the Norwegian craft magazine Ett Trykk in the August edition. 

This time the task was to create your own embellishment and use it on a project. I choose to use the opener thingie from a soda can. Honestly, I cannot remember the English word for it.

  I kind a ended up creating a sort of spider web - if you can call it such ;) 

The text is Danish and means "You are SUPER cool". 

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I truly do appreciate every visit I get :)


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  1. Det kort er simpelthen bare fedt!!! Genialt med snoren gennem "hul cirkel hullerne". Sidder og for adskillige kort ideer i hovedet :) Skal så bare lige finde tiden til at prøve dem ;) men tak for god inspiration :)


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