Sunday, 1 February 2015

Getting Published in Ett Trykk Magazine

I have been keeping this for almost a couple of weeks of my cards has been published in the Norwegian scrapbooking magazine Ett Trykk - a real printed magazine, which can only be bought in stores!! YAY....doing a happy dance :)

And this is not their normal edition, oh no, this is their 10 year anniversary special edition! 

The magazine is available in stores from today February 1st. 

My card can be found on page 4 in this special edition. 
A full page just with my card...this I had truly never expected :)

And here is the card - lots of stamping with an arrow stamp from Clearly Besotted Stamps in order to create the ombré background. 

I just love the contrast of the blue against the black. The Dymo sentiment and the black enamel dots makes it just perfect.

A very Happy
Pia :) 

Supplies used: 


  1. Yderst velfortjent og flotte pile du har stemplet - kræver helt sikkert en "steady hand". TIL LYKKE med det. =0)

  2. Stort TILLYKKE med publiceringen her, og et rigtig flot kort også, som helt sikkert fortjener opmærksomheden. Lækre farver (også mine ynglings he he) og helt enig med Charlie, det kræver godt nok en sikker hånd, at få de stempler så nøjagtige og så så mange.

  3. Congratulations, Pia! A well-deserved honour for a talented lady. xx

  4. Tillykke! Det er et flot CAS kort, du har lavet til bladet.

  5. Stort tillykke - godt gået :)
    Kortet er også rigtig flot.

  6. Hei Pia!

    Ville bara ge dig ett jätte stort grattis till din publicering och är säker på att detta bara är början på ditt äventyr i tidningar, magasin och mera!
    Ditt kort är jättefint och jag tycker dom gjorde rätt i att dedikera en hel sida till den då det verkligen visar din kreativitet!

    Varma kramar från oss alla,
    Jesper K

  7. Congratulations!!! What a big step!!
    Your card is stunning!


Thank you so much for your comment. I truly appreciate you taking your time to do it. Thank you!