Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Exciting News to Tell.....

...because I have been keeping a secret from you for a little while.

I have been asked to join a new adventure of the Norwegian stamp and die manufacturer kaBoks. They want to expand to Denmark and Sweden which is marvelous if you ask me. We are definitely in need of good quality text dies in Danish.
kaBoks gets their dies and stamps made in USA which in my book is a HUGE plus!
So yes, I am joining their new established design team :o)

  kaBoks is working their butts off to get their new website and blog up and running, so untill then you will have to settle for their Facebook page.
We, the design team, will begin to work on our projects and present them on our own blogs and the kaBoks facebook page. When the new kaBoks blog is ready we will ofcourse show our fabulous creations there as well.
The design team of kaBoks:
Randi Thorsen (Norway)
Elin Torbergsen (Norway)
Go visit the sweet girls if you are curious :o)
Pia xx


  1. Lyder spændende .... stort tillykke:-))

    God dag til dig

  2. super stort tillykke til dig, det er altid spændende at prøve nye udfordringer

  3. Ih, hvor dejligt for dig. Tillykke med det :)

  4. Your new venture sounds marvelously exciting! So looking forward to what you'll be sharing!

  5. Stort tillykke Pia, det lyder rigtig spændende ;O)))

  6. Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!


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